- Layna has learned "I love you" in sign language and will sport her "I love you's" before bed at night
- Layna loves bringing Jonah his Silky (word adopted....thanks scarlett) and isn't satisfied until he has at least two
- Jonah is rolling over
- Layna has taken to speaking up a storm and can now tell us about her day at school or what she has done
- Time out's continue
- Layna loves to pretend to read or play with Jonah and I get adamantly invited to leave the room when such is the case
- Jonah sleeps from 9pm-5am consistently unless he houdini's out of his swaddle
- Kimi goes back to work in a few weeks
- The big 30 came and went and was one of the most memorable ones for me so far
two adorable children! So love them!