Tuesday, August 18, 2015

A third of year...

When looked at in this perspective I've been gone and out of Kigali for what seems like ages. So much good has happened in the space of four months. So much reflection, thought, fun, growth, bonding. Impossible to summarize in one blog post so here are the highlights (other than Alex being born which outclasses all other highlights by a mile).

- Reconnecting with family and getting to see my younger brother on a weekly basis
- Jonah is now speaking Dutch fluently
- Opa watching 101 dalmations 5 times with the kids and narrating the whole time
- new haircut for myself and then another one and then the final one
- Ayumi being able to have 1st grade with my 1st grade teacher
- Jonah being successful and charming the pants off his teachers in German kindergarten
- Reconnecting with old friends
- showing Ayumi my favorite childhood haunts
- Laguna - indoor water park fun
- indoor playgrounds
- grilling
- Seeing Bob Dylan play in Loerrach
- Seeing a classical concert
- Shopping with my mom
- watching my parents interact with my kids
- going to the Mediterranean for a family reunion
- Final seeing one of the most idyllic spots in France where my sister owns a house
- having Seattle friend come to visit and processing life intensely with her
- walking in our neighborhood

We are truly blessed, lucky, fortunate.

my computer broke so I am on Kimi's hence no pictures

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