Thursday, October 22, 2015

6 months. Really! Really?! Really.

I don't understand emotionally how I am already at the six month mark with Alex. Six months since I was in a hospital bed in Germany getting induced and smelling my mom and Kimi's nasty pizza while reading David Sedaris during labor. Six months since sweet baby Alex came into this world and was nearly born on a toilet. What is he up to these days you ask? Here are the highlights

- He has cut his fist two teeth on the bottom last week
- This kid can hold a plank position like no-ones business especially when he doesn't have socks on
- You have to work to make Alex laugh, but when he's in the mood it shakes his whole body and is super loud. Smiles he gives away for free.
- No-one can make him laugh like his two older siblings
- He somehow has self-regulated everything. Sleep, naps, eating. All according to a schedule that I had to work at with the other two
- He is moving backwards
- He loves being held and is held way more than either of his siblings
- He cries when he is not part of the action
- He rarely cries. Rarely.
- He loves TV to the point where Kimi and I will have to stop a show we are watching in the evening because he will do anything (except cry) with his little body to try and see the screen.

Alex you make having three so easy and fun and fit completely and perfectly into our family. We probably missed your first rolling over but we love you!

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