Friday, March 11, 2011

inner child

I've been thinking recently about play. One of the greatest joys in my life is watching my daughter explore this new world around her and find things like snow and dirt so amazing. I think there are people, even adults, that are gifted at play and finding the wonder of every day life. My hope is to remember to play: not take myself so seriously and in the process, to teach my daughter that we live in an amazing world

Give a little time for the child within you
Don't be afraid to be you and free.
Undo the locks and throw away the keys
and take off your shoes
and socks, and run, you.

Run through the meadow and scare up
the milking cows
Run down the beach kicking clouds of sand.
walk a windy weather day, feel your face blow away
Stop and listen, love you.

- Excerpt from "love you" by the free design, 1969

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