Continuing on my theme from the last post I would love to share with you the rest of the poem. There is a magic combination that occurs when you have a puddle, a little bit of sun and some rocking rain boots!
Be like a circus clown, put away your circus frown;
Ride on a roller coaster upside down
Waltzing Mathilda, Carrie loves a Kinkajoo,
Joey catch a kangaroo, hug you.
Dandelion, milkweed, silky on a sunny sky
Reach out and hitch a ride and float on by;
balloons down below blooming colors of the rainbow
red, blue and yellow-green I love you.
Bicycles, tricycles, ice cream, candy
Lolly pops, Popsicles, licorice sticks.
Solomon Grundy, Raggedy Andy
Tweedledum and Tweedledee, home free.
Cowboys and Indians, puppy dogs and sand pails,
Beach balls and baseballs and basketballs too.
I love forget-me-nots, fluffernutter sugar pops
I'll hug you and kiss you and love you.
- "love you" by the Free Design, 1969
Ride on a roller coaster upside down
Waltzing Mathilda, Carrie loves a Kinkajoo,
Joey catch a kangaroo, hug you.
Dandelion, milkweed, silky on a sunny sky
Reach out and hitch a ride and float on by;
balloons down below blooming colors of the rainbow
red, blue and yellow-green I love you.
Bicycles, tricycles, ice cream, candy
Lolly pops, Popsicles, licorice sticks.
Solomon Grundy, Raggedy Andy
Tweedledum and Tweedledee, home free.
Cowboys and Indians, puppy dogs and sand pails,
Beach balls and baseballs and basketballs too.
I love forget-me-nots, fluffernutter sugar pops
I'll hug you and kiss you and love you.
- "love you" by the Free Design, 1969
These are so beautiful! :) Looks like a great walk with the kiddo.
beautiful. i love ALL of them but especially the 3rd from last:)