Thursday, December 13, 2012


"Children are made readers on the laps of their parents."
— Emilie Buchwald 

A few weeks ago, Kimi and I decided to add reading time to Layna's bed time routine. It consisted of Layna sitting in her room for an extra half hour and reading quietly while Kimi and I would gleefully start our shows. About a week into this I took Layna out of her room, cuddled up on the couch with her and she "read" her books while I read mine. The time was special and magical. How great to sit quietly with my very active daughter and snuggle. She sat quietly and read her books and I got engrossed in mine. It made me realize that really the easiest way to get her reading is to be reading myself during this half hour. I have really started to look forward to this evening ritual. We get a stack of books for her, I grab my nook and Kimi grabs his ipad. We sit on the couch and read. I have rediscovered my love for books and am so happy to have this time set apart for us. I have finished unbroken, the guernsey literary and potato peel pie society (great book), swamplandia!, fifty shades of grey the trilogy, (yes I read it....meh). It is so great to be adding books back to my library card that have been sitting on my wish list for 2 years. 

Layna is currently infatuated by her Dora book (J tore it at B and N so I felt like I had to buy it), the advent story book and knuffle bunny (which she has memorized and will 'read' out loud). I look forward to actual reading from her and to Jonah joining in in a few years.

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