Monday, December 22, 2014

Birthday Girl

We have finally and officially stopped celebrating Ayumi's birthday. My poor children. I'm not one for a birthday party and really don't like throwing them. The thought of inviting 23 + children ("because mommy, I'd have to invite the whole class") to our postage stamp sized house was too overwhelming so as we do, she got three kind of impromptu birthdays. The first was a weekend away with two other families where she celebrated with friends, the second was a donut party at school and the third was just us at home. She is six! six?!!

This past year:
- has become an avid reader in both Dutch and English
- does not like ballet, but likes soccer
- has good rhythm
- is a leader (if you are an American teacher and giving a parent teacher conference) or bossy (if you are a Dutch teacher and having a parent teacher conference)
- sometimes takes on too much responsibility
- reminds me so much of myself as a kid that it's scary
- has boundless energy and is good at getting her brother to ask for things so that she won't get in trouble
- is a people pleaser
- taught herself to swim - though I'm still not sure how... but she manages without floaties though it still scares me
- has a definite affinity for Italian boys - Sami, Leonardo, Noah, Alessandro
- generally gets along and watches out for her brother as long as he does what she wants
- really wants intricate hair styles that I cannot always deliver. Like a heart French braid,.....

I love this girl so very much. Her spirit, her desire to really know if what she is thinking is right, her very stubborn streak, her opinions. I can't believe that we are halfway to puberty and that I have so little time left until I become an "uncool parent".

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